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CWC Flooring

Centenary Celebrations

Striking reproductions of Chelsea Football Club's logo produced of Polysafe flooring are featured in the club's Centenary Hall where an exhibition celebrates 100 years of football in the London Borough.

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Pricing Policy Print E-mail

You will find in this competitive industry, many of our rivals will attempt to "undercut" each others prices,make endless promises and guarantees in order to win large contracts. How can they all afford to make these guarantees? The majority of contractors have preferred suppliers who will make endless promises, this can often result in inferior products being pushed upon the client.

CWC has no particular tie with any one manufacturer and no commission schemes, however, during our time in this market we have built excellent relationships with our suppliers in order that we pass on the benifits to our clients.

Our pricing policy is in place purely to benefit our clients, whilst we may not be the cheapest,
we believe that the service we provide cannot be beaten. Much like most quality services and products, you pay for what you get!

The CWC pricing policy is our guarantee to you that we will provide our services and quality materials at a competitive price to those who provide a similar service.

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